Board of Directors

COAST is governed by a board of directors made up of representatives from each of the towns and cities served by COAST local and regional routes, as well as partner or community organizations and at-large members. The board of directors has the powers set forth in NH RSA 239:4 and 239:5, is responsible for establishing agency policy and direction, resolving grievances per COAST policies, as well as governing and providing counsel to management. The board amends bylaws, approves the annual budget, develops long-term strategic plans and ensures its own succession.

For a schedule of upcoming meetings, the agenda for the next meeting, and past meeting minutes please scroll to the bottom of the page.

Officers & Executive Committee Members

Dennis Shanahan

Chair, City of Dover

Michael Scala

Vice Chair, City of Rochester

Scott Bogle

Treasurer, Rockingham Planning Commission

Margaret Joyce

Secretary, Greater Dover Chamber of Commerce

Dave Sandmann

Past Chair, Member At-Large

Board Members

Kendra Amaral

Town of Kittery

Fred Butler

New Hampshire Department of Transportation

Arthur Capello

Town of Berwick

Sean Clancy

City of Portsmouth

Sönke Dornblut

Town of Newmarket

Denis Hebert

Town of Newington

Colin Lentz

Strafford Regional Planning Commission

Michael Mates

Pease Development Authority

Joann Neumann

Families First Health & Support Center

Crystal Paradis-Catanzaro

City of Somersworth

David Tovey

Town of Exeter


Alternate Board Members

Donna Benton

City of Dover

Jen Czysz

Strafford Regional Planning Commission

Russell Dean

Town of Exeter

Carol Gulla

Member At-Large

Jillian Harris

City of Portsmouth

Tim Roache

Rockingham Planning Commission

Michelle Winters

New Hampshire Department of Transportation



The following entities have a seat on the board, but no current appointee to the Board:

  • Town of Farmington
  • An appointed representative from a major private sector employer in COAST’s service area
Generally, meetings are held the fourth Wednesday of the month at 8:30 AM in the conference room at the Community Action Partnership of Strafford County (577 Central Ave #10, Dover, NH) unless otherwise noted.

COAST Committees (upcoming meetings):

  • Executive Committee - March 3, 2025 @ 3:00p (COAST Administrative Offices)
  • Finance Committee
  • Board Development Committee
  • Nominating Committee
  • Legislative Committee
  • Policy Committee


Contact the Board of Directors

COAST Board of Directors
42 Sumner Drive
Dover, NH 03820

  • Fields marked with * are required. If you would like a response, an email address OR phone number is required.