Join We're On The Route

COAST connects people and communities. By linking workers and shoppers to the places they want to go, COAST contributes an estimated $31 million a year to the Seacoast economy.

Let people know that they can get to your business using COAST by joining our free "We're On the Route" marketing campaign!

We’re On The Route is a free joint marketing program that helps bring customers to your business.  It highlights the convenience of your location to current and future customers, employees, or tenants who ride the bus, and it's a great way to show that you support green, sustainable transportation!

*Note: Location must be within 3/4 of a mile from a COAST bus stop to be added.

View Participating Businesses

What happens when you join: 

  • COAST lists your business on our website with a link to your website and gives you a shoutout on our Facebook page.  
  • You display the We’re On The Route decal in your business. 
  • Promote COAST as a way for your customers to access your business by adding a WOTR link and logo to your website, or give us a shout-out on your social media accounts.

How will We’re On The Route help your business? 

COAST’s online presence reaches thousands of Seacoast residents who will be exposed to your business. What does that mean to you?

  • Attract new customers or employees who can easily and affordably get to your business on the bus.
  • Your business and website will have new exposure to customers by being highlighted on the COAST website.
  • COAST will like/follow your business on Facebook (we ask for the same in return). 

Join We're On The Route today!

  • Fields marked with * are required. An email address OR phone number is required.
