Local Business Engagement
There are lots of ways you can partner with COAST to help promote your business while also supporting and advocating for public transportation in your community. Find out how collaborating with COAST can benefit your enterprise!
Sponsor a 'Fare Free Saturday'
COAST's “Fare Free Saturday” sponsorship initiative is designed to give local businesses a way to support the nonprofit public transit operator while encouraging Seacoast residents to take advantage of the services COAST provides. Learn more https://coastbus.org/opportunities/fare-free-saturdays.
Showcase your business on COAST's website
Let people know that they can get to your business using COAST by joining our free "We're On the Route" marketing campaign!
We’re On The Route is a free joint marketing program that helps bring customers to your business. It highlights the convenience of your location to current and future customers, employees, or tenants who ride the bus, and it's a great way to show that you support green, sustainable transportation!
Learn more and get started: https://coastbus.org/wotr
Implement a Commuter Benefit program for your staff
Did you know that the IRS has a program that allows commuters to pay for work-related transit with pre-tax dollars?
Your business can partner with COAST to offer this benefit to your employees, cutting down on your payroll taxes, and offering your staff a more affordable and green way to get to work!
Learn more and get started here: https://coastbus.org/commuter
Advertise on COAST buses and shelters
Advertising on COAST buses and bus shelters means your business or organization's message is seen daily throughout the Greater Seacoast region in a big, bold, colorful, and dynamic way. In addition, your marketing dollars work to #FundtheBus and support an essential nonprofit resource for everyone in our community.
Learn more and get started here: https://coastbus.org/opportunities/doing-business-with-coast/advertising
Follow Us for News & Insights
COAST has an active social media presence through which we share news, upcoming events, and other information about our operation. You can find us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/COASTbus/. Follow our page to stay up to date.
Executive Director, Rad Nichols, is active on LinkedIn, sharing news, along with thoughts and insights, on the public transit sector. Connect on LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/in/rad-nichols-864836b3/) and join in the conversation.
We produce twice monthly themed updates and a quarterly digest we send out via MailChimp. Sign up to get these in your email inbox and then forward the email to a friend or colleague and encourage them to join our mailing list to stay updated.
Become an Advocate for Public Transportation in NH
STAY INFORMED—Join COAST's mailing list, connect with us on social media, and stay up-to-date on transit issues being covered by the media.
SPEAK UP—Attend transportation-related meetings being held by your Regional Planning Commission, Regional Coordination Council, or other organizations, voice personal perspective, and offer input anytime there is an opportunity.
CONTACT YOUR GOVERNMENT REPRESENTATIVES—Write, call or speak directly with your local (selectboard members or councilors), state (legislators, senator, executive councilor, and/or governor), federal (congressional rep and senator) elected officials about how public and community transportation positively impact you, your business, your colleagues/friends/family or could impact you if not available in your community.
PARTICIPATE—Contribute to studies being conducted locally, regionally, or statewide related to transportation needs for older adults and individuals living with disabilities.
MAKE CONNECTIONS—Think about how you can connect key people, nonprofits, and businesses in your community in order to foster partnerships and investment.
TESTIFY—Provide legislative testimony when opportunities arise. Help to shape how our state supports and funds public transportation.
Invest in COAST
As a nonprofit organization, COAST must raise its $7.5-8 million operating budget each year. Funding comes from a variety of sources, each one critical to our continued success.
You can make a meaningful investment in the future of public transportation on the Seacoast by supporting COAST.
Learn more here: https://coastbus.org/invest