As announced by the NHDOT on September 28, 2018, the General Sullivan Bridge is now closed to pedestrians and cyclists until further notice.
Effective immediately, COAST will offer free transportation onboard our Route 2 buses for pedestrians and cyclists looking to cross Little Bay until NH DOT makes further announcements on any longer term solutions.
The nearest southbound and northbound pick-up points (bus stops) are serviced by request only, so riders must call in advance, (603) 743-5777, option 1, to have the buses pick them up at one of these stops.
COAST buses can hold up to 3 bikes per bus, and cyclists are accommodated on a first-come, first-served basis only. Bicycles are not allowed inside of the buses for safety reasons.
For a service schedule, and the locations of the nearest bus stops, please see COAST's Route 2 bus schedule at