Public Notice

The Cooperative Alliance for Seacoast Transportation (COAST) intends to apply for Federal Transit Administration (FTA) funds, under 49 USC § 5339 to deploy and program/reprogram traffic signal controllers and associated equipment, allowing for emergency vehicle pre-emption and public transit prioritization technology in Dover, NH. COAST will be applying for Section 5339 Funding. The project will be completed cooperatively with the City of Dover.

Application will be submitted to the New Hampshire Department of Transportation for: $307,840 in Federal funds. These funds will support the installation of new signal controllers (11), programming/reprogramming of controllers (19) in Dover and outfitting COAST vehicles (10) with emitters.

COAST will provide an opportunity for a public hearing on the proposed project(s) if sufficient public comment is received. Should this proposed application (program) not be amended due to public comment received, it will become the final application (program).

Copies of the application will be available at COAST offices at 42 Sumner Drive, Dover, New Hampshire 03820 where written comments regarding the proposed applications will be accepted. Verbal comments may be directed to (603)743-5777.