Learn How to Read COAST Bus Schedules

Reading the Bus Schedule

To open the menu for each route, click on that route number or name on the listing under “Schedules, Routes & Map.” This will open a new page that lists the stops for that route.

On the Route Page, there is a listing of the major (timed) stops along that route. To the right of each stop listed, there will be a series of times, each representing the specific time you can expect to catch a bus.

Above the schedule, there are buttons to filter the schedule. (e.g., Mon-Fri/Saturday, and Northbound/Southbound.) Selecting “Mon-Fri” shows weekday stops and times, while “Saturday” shows stops and times  for Saturdays. “Northbound” displays northbound stops and times, while “Southbound” displays southbound stops and times.

To scroll to times later in the day, click the arrow pointing right at the top right of the schedule.

The stops listed in bold are major (timed) stop locations and their departure times, but the bold stops are not the only stops along the route. To see all available stops along the route, scroll to the bottom of the schedule and select “View All Stops.” This will extend the route schedule to show all stops along the route, with all approximate stop times for these locations listed in Italics. To collapse the schedule again, simply click “Collapse All Stops.”

How to Expand Stop List Graphic.png



How to Collapse Stop List Graphic.png

Each column of times represents a run of the bus traveling from the stop at the top of the schedule to the stop listed at the bottom. The bus passes by all stops along the way, except for stops listed as on-call, which generally are located just off the normal route.

Buses do not automatically stop at every stop. Usually they will only stop if there are riders waiting at the stop or if a stop request is signaled from onboard the bus. Departure times are not necessarily guaranteed, they are approximated based on average traffic conditions. 

Some stops listed on the schedule will be listed as [On Call]. This means buses will not stop at these locations unless specifically requested. In order to request a bus at these locations, please contact COAST directly at 603-743-5777, Option 1.

The most important thing to remember is that schedules are approximate - you should always get to your stop a few minutes early so you don't miss your bus!

At the top right of the schedule page there is an option to Download the Route Schedule and view information on Fare Rates and Holidays Closures.

Scroll down each Route page to see any detailed notes that apply to that route, a Map of the Route, and some attractions located along the Route.

Making Connections

Sometimes, you'll need to take more than one bus to get where you're going.

First, figure out which route goes where you want to. Look at the Local and Regional Routes page to find the town you're headed to, and which routes serve it. If you're not sure which route serves your destination, you can either check each Route Page, or you can use the Trip Planner to get a full overview of the routes and buses that will take you to your location.

Once you know which routes you'll need to make your trip, the best way to start is with your destination - wherever you need to be, which bus arrives there in time? Then, you should work your way back to the first bus you have to take.

For example, imagine you live in downtown Rochester and you're going to the Strafford County Courthouse. The bus that goes to the Courthouse is Route 33. If you must be there at 10:30 AM, your best choice is the bus arriving at 9:58 AM. If you backtrack on the schedule, you can see there is a connection point at the Dover Transportation Center and the bus would leave there at 9:30 AM. You also know that Route 12 goes from Rochester to the Dover Transportation Center. If you look at the Route 12 schedule, you see a bus scheduled to arrive at the Dover Transportation Center at 9:30 AM - there is your connection! It's a little tight though, you'll have to make sure to tell your driver that you want to catch the Route 33 at the Dover Transportation Center. That bus arriving at 9:30 AM leaves the Rochester Public Library Stop at 9:01 AM, so it would be a good idea to be out at the stop at 8:56 at the latest.

As mentioned in the example, If you have to connect to other routes, make sure you tell the driver of the first bus when you are boarding. Let them know where you are going so they can tell the driver of the route you’re connecting to.

While connections are not guaranteed, we do time our system to make connections to all routes at a few main locations - the Lilac Mall, Dover Shaw's, Dover Transportation Center, Fox Run Mall, and Market Square.

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